Sunday mornings @ Freedom
Little Stars
We encourage children to worship with their parents before they go to their group at about 11am, They will do a variety of activities including Bible Stories, Songs, Crafts, memory verses and a lot of fun!
Bright Sparks
Key stage 1
We encourage children to worship together with their parents before they go to their groups at about 11am. They will do a variety of activities including worship, Bible stories, memory verses, prayer and lots of fun!
Shining Lights
Key stage 2
We encourage children to worship together with their parents before they go to their groups at about 11am. They will do a variety of activities including worship, Bible stories, memory verses, prayer and lots of fun!
Resources for Children and young people
Can we encourage you to instil good daily habits within your family? Consider encouraging your children to spend time praying, listening to God together or reading a Children's Bible from a young age. Also how about saying grace before meals together, or praying each morning before everyone goes out the door?
Daily Bible notes from The Good Book Company….
Table Talk (For family study) Table Talk is for families with children from 4 yrs and up to use for daily Bible times. Each day takes about five minutes, maybe at breakfast or after an evening meal. Choose whatever time suits you best as a family. The Bible passages are the same each day for Table Talk and XTB - so you can use the two books together, or on their own. Whichever suits you best.
XTB (eXplore The Bible for 7-11yrs) is a series of daily Bible reading notes for children, with puzzles, pictures and prayers. It encourages independent Bible study.
Discover (11-13yrs) Bible notes which help young people understand and apply the Bible. A collection of 12 books that cover the major Bible books, events and characters.
Engage (14-17yrs) Daily Bible reading notes to help you plug into your Bible. Through Engage’s pages we want to plunge into God's awesome word: discovering who God is and what He's like; seeing what God's done for us through Jesus; and exploring practical ways of living for Him.
Other Online Resources
Keys for Kids www.keysforkids.org
Postal Bible School https://postalbibleschool.com/
The Chosen https://watch.angelstudios.com/