Dear Timothy,

In September we are starting a new preaching series, from 1 Timothy.

The theme of this letter is the practical outworking of the gospel in the life of a christian. The christians lifestyle should be shaped by the gospel. There is a call to holiness, evangelism, unity, modesty and good leadership. The letter is written by Paul. The gospel coalition give this helpful description: ‘The stance of the author is that of a friend and father in the faith expressing personal concern over the well-being of a younger church leader and the church in which he ministers. The overarching concern of the letter is to combat false teaching and false teachers. Accordingly, there are detailed contrasts between good and bad spiritual leadership in the church. Additionally, this letter provides the most complete summary in the Bible of a pastor’s ministry and spirituality. There are also lists of spiritual qualifications for officers in the church, as well as advice about caring for people with special needs, such as widows and servants. Three times Paul says that a statement he makes is “trustworthy.”’



Alpha in Crewe

