Give to Ukrainian families

Mercy Projects has started a Relief Fund designated to provide assistance to Ukrainian families. Funds will be used for the greatest need including Refugee assistance, emergency aid, food, clothing, medicine, and a multitude of other requests.
Click here for more information...

Christ Central Churches (Newfrontiers) have a number of Churches across Ukraine.
They are organising a relief fund to provide help to refugees as well as support the Ukrainian churches. If you would like to give you can do this through 'Freedom Church Chester' by marking it "Ukraine Fund.'

Sort code: 40-52-40 Account: 00024143

Ukraine Refugee Support

You may well be aware of a UK Government scheme whereby you can volunteer to host a Ukrainian family in your home. Christ Central Churches are working with our churches in Ukraine to make this offer to them and would like to be able to offer Ukrainian families from our churches there, a temporary home with a family from one of our churches in the UK. If you are in the UK and this is something that you or your church feel you may be able to be part of, please can you go to our Ukraine page at and register your interest. One of our team will then contact you with further information.


Ukrainian Offering Video

